Mode of Therapy
Angelic and reiki distance healing and life coaching all is done through understanding the issues in depth over mail or phone call followed by healing sessions which varies on the depth of the issue and type of issue. We try to do counselling through distance n keep the privacy intact by not asking people to come on video for the sessions . It is done through connecting with universe through meditation and setting intention but in first help of angels are taken and other through reiki symbols n connecting n sending the healing energy to the client at exactly where its needed.
Mostly therapy takes four days to week or even a month in emotional healing cases.
Healing is only done once client gives the permission to get healed and trust in the process.
Healing process work very soon and client may feel more calmer peaceful having clarity n also in physical pains it is relieved sometime in one or two session and sometimes it takes time depending on the issue.
We need honest and full details of the person through mail or what's app and we fix appointment over phone in case there is any query or something more deeper need to GE understood in emotional healing cases.
For Appointment call in WhatsApp: +91-8920443069