1. Life Coaching Through Healing (Holistic life coaches and energy psychologist)
2. Professional Angelic Distance Healing
3. Reiki Master / Karuna Reiki Master
4. Shamballa (Group Healing)
5. Crystal Counsellor (For Homes and Offices)
6. Access bars therapist (Healing through brain energy centres) Tarot cards reading.
7. Osho Meditation
8. Marma Therapy
Shamballa (Group Healing)
The Shamballa Reiki System or Shamballa MDH (multidimensional healing) was channeled through John Armitage, who is also known by his spiritual names Hari Das Baba, Hari Das Melchizedek or simply Das.
It is considered that Mr. Armitage channeled this beautiful and complex system with the help of the Count of Saint Germain.
St. Germain was a renowned European alchemist, who was interested in the higher spiritual practices including finding the elixir for a long life. He is now considered one of the ascendant masters of great power and the bringer of the violet flow of light
What Is Shamballa Reiki And How It Came Into Existence
Shamballa Reiki can be considered an expansion of what we know as Reiki Usui.
However, this system has knowledge that was present before Mikao Usui’s learning. Within Shamballa Reiki, we can find extremely deep and complex meditations with ascendant masters, archangels, and other high spiritual entities.
As the spirit of The Count of Saint Germain was considered to be of Atlantean origins, Shamballa Reiki seems to have within its teachings the “flavors” of Atlantis.
Of course, the truth is out of reach and this theory is based on various opinions. Therefore I will try to present my own interpretation as best as I can.
I have to admit that this Reiki system feels like it has superior vibration.
Shamballa Reiki has a tremendous amount of energy and information that can be accessed only through practice, self-treatment, and meditations.
Regardless of who channeled it and how this Reiki system came into existence, it works extremely well.
As a side note, you should know that it’s quite hard to find a Shamballa MDH Reiki system Master/Teacher. So don’t be alarmed if you can’t meet one in your area. It’s normal to take time and even travel to one.
The Difference Between Shamballa MDH And Usui Reiki Rhoyo
Some schools of Reiki consider this system to have 4 levels, while others teach only 3 levels of attunement.
The main difference is that Shamballa MDH Reiki offers access to 352 metaphysical levels. Each one has a corresponding sacred (and secret) symbol.
However, those symbols can only be revealed by the practitioner through meditation and practice.
The reason they are not revealed during the attunement process is that they are considered extremely powerful. This means they should not be accessed until the student is completely ready from a spiritual point of view.
This idea is linked to the legendary story of Atlantis, where, because of the inhabitant’s lust and abuse of power, the whole continent was sunk as punishment.
Whether this is true or not, the Shamballa MDH system is real and some practitioners have discovered some of the symbols throughout the years.
The Spiritual Significance Of Shamballa Reiki
This is another major difference.
Shamballa MDH brings great responsibility and power for the initiated. Once attuned to the master level, the practitioner gains a new and higher level of awareness and vibration.
The rhythm of resolving your karmic “debts” begins to increase significantly and one must be prepared to face them. This leads the practitioner onto a clear path of focus and potential for spiritual growth.
This happens because Shamballa Multidimensional Healing is not just a healing system. It represents a way of accelerating your spiritual development.
The practice with Shamballa Reiki has a spiritual nature and may be used by everyone seeking enlightenment. It creates a strong connection to your higher self, love and powerful healing energies.
Note: The term “Shamballa” originally refers to a mythical realm within our inner Earth or possibly in another dimension. It is considered that technological and spiritual advanced beings exist within this realm and they will come to help us when we’ll be in great need.
3 Remarkable Forms Of Energy Within Shamballa MDH Reiki System
Once attuned in Shamballa MDH Reiki, you receive access to these main forms of pure and loving energy. They are not the only ones but I consider them the most important.
Mahatma Energy
Silver-Gold violet energy of extreme purity.
It is said that we are able to access it even without an attunement. I can’t be sure of that simply because found out about it after the initiation. Whenever I called upon it though, it arrives with no delay.
It helps you cleanse your whole body and bring a vibration of peace and high consciousness. I would advise not to “abuse” it and use it when doing self-treatment or when cleansing yourself.
Christ Consciousness
A very powerful form of energy that activates the 8th chakra – the Soul Star.
As the name suggests, it connects you to the consciousness of the Christ (regardless of your religion), engulfing you with pure love and energy.
Besides the obvious cleansing effect, it has the ability to appear even in the darkest moments. This way it creates a path to light in a dire situation.
The Silver-Violet Flame Of St. Germain
This is a manifestation of high vibrational energy considered to belong to the Count of Saint Germain.
It has the ability to literally burn the vital energy field of bacteria and viruses up to disintegrating negative energies, programs or concepts.
It may be used whenever you have severe pain in a certain area of your body, as well as in meditation and self-treatment.
Due to its high vibration, I would suggest using it wisely and only when needed.
These 3 main energy types used together with the meditations from the Shamballa MDH Reiki system can bring tremendous levels of healing and awareness to a person.
This only happens if you’re ready and willing to take that next step to higher consciousness.
The Shamballa MDH Reiki Levels
Level 1
General information regarding what Reiki is, how it works, hand-positions;
Breathing exercises and meditations for balancing the chakras and the energy fields;
Learning how to cut the residual and negative energetic strings with the help of Archangel Michael. Also, we learn about the column of protection which can be called upon from him;
How to invoke and use the silver-violet flame of St. Germain
Level 2
The basic Usui Reiki Rhoyo symbols and their use: Cho Ku Rei, Sei He Ki, and Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen;
Specific symbols only found in Shamballa MHD Reiki, with different attributes than what we used in the classic Usui Reiki system;
Access to the 22 sacred symbols which are considered to have the Atlantean energy print
The Master Level
Access to the 352 symbols and to the full potential of the Cosmic Christ Consciousness;
Cleansing and activation of the 12 chakras that correspond to each of the energetic layers of the human body;
Connection to the Merkaba field (It’s a high vibrational protective energy field that has the role of activating dormant DNA sequences within the practitioner. This action will create new potential for accessing high vibrations and awareness.);
Discover the Usui Reiki levels and what to expect from each one.
Shamballa Multidimensional Healing Reiki Symbols
This is a brief description of the Shamballa Reiki symbols.
The first ones are the same as Usui Reiki Rhoyo and you can read more about each one following the corresponding link.
Cho Ku Rei – cleansing, activation, protection, energizing;
Sei He Ki – mental and emotional healing;
Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen – sending Reiki in distance and time;
Dai Ko Myo – Reiki master symbol – brings pure light and energy;
From here on, new symbols are introduced.
They have many uses, some of which are still unknown. It is up to us to gain more knowledge and wisdom on them.
You can read more about Reiki symbols and their meaning here >>
This is an ancient symbol, believed to have origins in the Buddhist philosophy.
Antahkarana shamballa reiki symbol
Bear in mind that what we see in World War II is a corrupted form of Antahkarana with a totally different intention of use than its original one.
By its simple presence, it is capable of cleansing a whole space, slowly dissolving negative energies and programs. It creates a positive effect on the chakras and on the energy fields.
Placing it under the table, chair, or any other furniture that is important to you and use on a regular basis will have a continuous cleansing effect.
Antahkarana amplifies the effect of self-treatment and therapy on others while enhancing the healing energies.
Mer Ka Fa Ka Lish Ma
By entering DNA levels, Mer Ka Fa Ka Lish Ma Shamballa Reiki symbol is capable of activating dormant DNA sequences and restore the original energy print.
mer ka fa ka lish ma
Using the Shamball MDH meditations together with this symbol, it will bring back the potential of perfection, starting at the cellular level.
When activated on the back of a person it realigns and energizes the back projections of the chakras.
Ho Ka O iLi iLi
This symbol can be described in one sentence as: "I have worth, even though I am not perfect".
When activated on the front, back and sides of a person it brings with it great energy of respect and valor.
This does not mean you will manipulate others in thinking what a great person you are, rather it helps boost the self-confidence and self-esteem vibration.
It also helps you understand from within that you are worth it. From there, it brings this energy to the exterior and starts spreading respect.
Although initially present in Karuna Reiki System, it has a significant effect in Shamballa MDH Reiki by helping us solve our past problems.
Zonar karuna reiki symbol
As previously mentioned, this system helps heal the karmic debts a bit faster than other Reiki systems.