1. Life Coaching Through Healing (Holistic life coaches and energy psychologist)
2. Professional Angelic Distance Healing
3. Reiki Master / Karuna Reiki Master
4. Shamballa (Group Healing)
5. Crystal Counsellor (For Homes and Offices)
6. Access bars therapist (Healing through brain energy centres) Tarot cards reading.
7. Osho Meditation
8. Marma Therapy
Life Coaching Through Healing
Understand your vision... and unlock your future potential.
Firstly, we need to begin by clearing mental clutter, breaking through limiting beliefs and releasing self-sabotaging behaviour.
We have all felt out of alignment when we are not being true to ourselves; maybe it was a relationship, a job, or the way we were acting, or being in the world.
Let’s think of some examples...
The work we do with a client is to enhance their personal development rather than play the role of psychotherapist or doctor by diagnosing. When we work with clients we must ensure all medical checks are in place and if necessary consent by a doctor or psychotherapist is given if the client wants to undertake coaching with you.
We're starting off with a state of being that is, most of the time, reasonably happy and stable. They are looking to enhance their life by understanding themselves better and managing their thoughts and emotions so they are more conducive with their goals and life plan.
We need to understand and let go of conditioning and break free of the limiting fixed ideas we have created for ourselves, including unconscious ones. We will go on to spiritual issues and understanding of how we envision and create our life experience.
We can return to our full spiritual awareness through learning the lessons our everyday life provides. There may be experiences or issues in our life that we can't think about without tears or anger, hard to face issues that severely interrupt what we want to do in life. What can we do to get ourselves together, to learn from these experiences and begin again to work more effectively toward our goals?
Life coaching has developed thanks to many great industry professionals. However, two industry leaders truly stand out due to their incredible commitment to making life coaching so accessible.
Sir John Whitmore (1937 to 2017) was rated as the number one business coach by the Independent Newspaper and as having had the most impact on the coaching profession by the UK Association of Coaching.
He was Chairman of Performance Consultants and a pre-eminent thinker in leadership and organisational change, having worked globally with leading multinational corporations to establish coaching management cultures and leadership programmes. He wrote books on leadership, coaching and sports, of which Coaching for Performance is the best known having sold over 800,000 copies in 23 countries.
NLP Master Richard Bandler is the co-creator of the incredible Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP). He is also a lifestyle specialist, a best-selling author, and is recognised in the industry as being one of the most highly regarded teachers. He has an in-depth knowledge of the human mind, he has mentored some of the world s most successful leaders and teachers, and is responsible for inspiring millions of people through his work.
The job of the brain
Our brains need to:
Register and signal to the body what it needs when it needs it such as food, shelter, rest & protection and procreation.
Create an internal navigation system that directs us where to get these needs met.
Generate the required amount of energy production to see these needs get met.
Alerts us to dangers and opportunities along the way
Refines our actions and behaviours in accordance with our environment moment by moment.
And since we humans do better in groups we seek out like-minded souls and adapt to our environment in order to either survive or thrive. So what happens when our internal navigation system has a short circuit and we end up going in the wrong direction, doing the wrong actions and not getting our needs met in a healthy way or when our relationships break down as a result of our faulty thinking?
Nobody can ‘treat’ a horrendous event what has happened cannot be undone but what can be dealt with our the imprints of the trauma on the body, mind and soul. This is where life coaching helps as we work to help the client responds to its environment given the circumstances it is faced within a balanced way.
Emotional frequency
We all have a level of emotional intelligence, it is how well we manage our emotions. This will vary greatly from person to person. Emotional Intelligence is the ability to manage our emotions effectively without them managing us.
Managing our emotions in a healthy way is vital to our development and growth. Understanding your client’s emotional needs will help you help them set healthy, specific and measurable goals rather than aim for a hedonistic goal such as a sports car, or bigger house when really the underlying emotion behind is the want to feel worthy.